Selasa, 31 Juli 2012


CHEAT LS LOST SAGA 1 AGUSTUS 2012 TERBARU - CHEAT LS LOST SAGA TERBARU 1 AGUSTUS 2012 - Jangan katakan tidak mau bermain game online lost saga semakin kita bermain semakin terbaru dan asik pula kita konsentrasi pada game, bagai mana dengan sobat sendiri kalau saya setujuh aja dan ayo coba cheat ls lost saga dan sangat terbaru buat sobat semua dan harus di coba...........................


CHEAT LS LOST SAGA 1 AGUSTUS 2012 TERBARU - yang terpenting kita menggikutinya dengan benar dan asik bagaikan air yang mengalir silakan sobat download cheat nya yaitu cheat ls lost saga terbaru masih hangatt khusus tagal 1 Agustus 2012 saja :

New  lostSaga  WORK ALL WINDOWS,win 7,xp,vista WORK

Don't to show off!
Downloads Cheat
Click Here

Injector Bisa pkai Perx Download disini 

Credit :
Yusuf HS

Feature & Hotkeys :
- INSERT On 1 Hit CSD = On in the LOBBY!

Cara Pemakaian :
~ Open Injacx.Exe / Perx nya!
~ Fill Process "lostsaga.exe"
~ Browse DLL "Blucyz.dll"
~ Open Lost Saga
~ Start LostSaga
~Wait Process
~ Happy Cheat ^^
ReadFull Article ..


CHEAT PB POINT BLANK 1 AGUSTUS 2012 TERBARU - CHEAT PB POINT BLANK TERBARU 1 AGUSTUS 2012 - Cheat PB adalah sangat terbaru apa lagi masih sangat baru dan saya hadirkan buat sobat semua yaitu CHEAT PB POINT BLANK dengan khusus tanggal 1 AGUSTUS 2012 TERBARU Sobat harus mencoba ini dan sangat menggila jangan lupa ikuti tutorialnya.....


CHEAT PB POINT BLANK 1 AGUSTUS 2012 TERBARU - Jika sobat benar-benar gantang dan merasa keren cheat pb terbaru ini dan atas nama point blank sangat berguna dengan menggunakan skil - skil masing oleh sobat dan jangan sampai kalah dengan yang lain langsung tembak dan menghadirkan kemenangan yang hebat silakan di download di bawah :

 New Update Special MALAM hack
AWP Bren Pakai Brutal Mode!

Don't to Show OFF
Downloads Cheat
Tanpa Password

Fitures :

[Visual Menu]
  • Wh bersih
  • Clean WH
  • Chams WH
  • No Fog
  • No SMoke
  • Crosshair
[ESP Hack]
  • ESP box
  • ESP name
  • ESp healt
  • ESP koordinat
  • ESP distance
  • ESP Line
[Fullhack Menu]
  • Damage 25%
  • Ammo Animation (cocok Buat SG/AWP)
  • ACC GM
  • Healt Up +20
  • Quick Change
  • grade HACK
  • Bug luxvile
[Replace Menu]
  • Pistol
  • Piso
  • Bom
  • Asap
  • Baret Full
  • BAret CASh

Hotkeys D3D Menu: 
  • D3d Menu On/OFF : INSERT
  • Arah Panah kanan = ON
  • Arah Panah Kiri OFF
  • Arah Panah ats & Bawah Pilih cit

Tutorial : 
  1. Buka PB launcher
  2. Buka Cheat
  3. Start
  4. Keluar Message Box/notice
  5. Ok,ok saja Hepii Cheatting dah

Keterangan : BUAT WINDOWS 7 and Windows Vista
-Buka Cheat Jangan Menggunakan DOUBLE klik!!!
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator
-Buka PB nya pun jangan pakai Double Klik
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator juga
Okay paham KAN
ReadFull Article ..

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Ucapan Kata Selamat Lebaran Idul Fitri 2012

Ucapan Kata Selamat Lebaran Idul Fitri 2012 - Sms Ucapan Lebaran 2012 - Kumpulan SMS Ucapan Lebaran Idul Fitri 2012 - 1433 H. Ucapan Lebaran Terbaik adalah kumpulan dari koleksi terbaik untuk Ucapan Lebaran yang bisa anda gunakan dalam memberikan Ucapan pada saat Merayakan Hari Kemenangan yaitu Idul Fitri dan SMS Idul Fitri yang kami berikan ini adalam merupakan yang terbaik dan terbaru dari yang pernah ada karena kami ingin Ucapan SMS Lebaran ini bermanfaat untuk anda bila digunakan.

 Ucapan Kata Selamat Lebaran Idul Fitri 2012 : ane

SMS Lebaran Terbaik yang kami sediakan dibawah ini bisa langsung anda gunakan pada saatnya nanti dan tak lupa juga kami mengucapkan Selamat Merayakan Hari kemenangan Idul Fitri,Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin.

Kata-Kata SMS ucapan Lebaran Idul Fitri 2012

Bila ada langkah membekas lara.
ada kata menusuk sukma.
ada tingkah menoreh luka.
Mohon di maafkan segala kekhilafan.
Met lebaran 2012.
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin.
Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

No Card, No Ketupat, No Parcel,
Just SMS Represents Everything ...
Happy 'iedul Fitrie 143.. H...
Maaf lahir batin ya..

Kata-kata ku tlah banyak menyakitimu,
perbuatanku tlah bnyak melukaimu.
di hari nan fitri ini, ijinkan kuucapkan
minal aidzin wal faidzin,
mohon maaf lahir & bathin

teruntuk semua nya
diri ini hanyalah manusia biasa
yang tak luput dari segala khilaf dan dosa
serta prasangka
di penghujung bulan yang penuh berkah ini
saya selaku pembuat onar serta kesalahan
memohon maaf atas segala perilaku, ucapan,
tingkah laku serta prasangka baiik yang disengaja maupun ngga
semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan yang penuh berkah ini
diterima oleh Nya dan
semoga kita kembali di pertemukan dengan bulan yang penuh berkah ini.

Smburat jingga tampak kemuning,
putih awan hadirkan suci..
hapuskan dendam,, leburkan angkuh,,
jemput ridho tuk terlahir kembali.
maaf lahir batin ya.
Taqobbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum

Walau jemari tak kuasa berjabat,
setidaknya kata masih dapat terungkap tulus.
Maafin segala kesalahan aku ya!,
Taqaballahu minna waminkum.

Di hari yg V3 ini mari kita INSTALL
ulang tujuan hidup kita.
Klo perlu FORMAT ulang jalan hidup kita.
UPDATE database ilmu, SCAN virus2 dlm hati.
OVERCLOCK amal kebaikan kita.

SMS Idul Fitri Terbaru 2012

Sebening fiber optik,
sebersih sinyal wifi,
dgn segala kerendahan hati
mari kita buka bandwith maaf
sebesar-besarnya di hari yg fitri ini.

Mungkin hari-hari yang lewat
telah menyisakan sebersit kenangan yang tak terlupa..
ada salah,
ada khilaf,
ada dosa yang mengikuti perjalanan hari – hari itu.
agar tak ada sesal,
tak ada dendam,
tak ada penyesalan.
mari kita sama-sama sucikan hati, diri, dan jiwa kita.

Aduh, duh, duh, aye mesti berkata apa ye..
Puisi ude kebanyakan.
Sajak ude pasaran.
Ampir semua SMS bunyinye sama aje.
Pokoknye maap, maap, maap.
Maapin semua kesalahan aye ye..

Kata-Kata SMS ucapan Lebaran Idul Fitri 2012 - Part 2
Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433
Sebelum takbir berkumandang
Sebelum ajal menjemput
Sebelum jaringan over load
Ijinkan kami memohon maaf lahir dan bathin

The holy and beautiful Syawal will come soon
There is no word proper to welcome it
Except the word of pray and forgiveness
My Majesty if you forgive all my fault
And hope your worship accepted by Allah The God of Merciful and the Beneficent

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Orang yang paling mulia adalah
Orang yang mau memaafkan kesalahan orang lain
Bersihkan diri, sucikan hati Di hari yang Fitri ini.

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Bulan Ramadhan telah berlalu
Dan hari Kemenangan telah datang
Untuk itu mari kita bersihkan hati dan jiwa kita

Dari gelimang dosa

Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433 

Berbuat khilaf adalah sifat
Meminta maaf adalah kewajiban
Dan kembalinya Fitrah adalah tujuan

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Ramadhan telah surut
Hari yang Fitri telah terbit
Maaf kumohonkan
Agar hati bersih dari dosa
Minal Aidin wal Faizin

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Let’s write all the mistakes down in the sand
And let the wind of forgiveness erase it away
Happy Idul Fitri, Minal Aidin wal Faizin

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

MATA kadang salah melihat
MULUT kadang salah mengucap
HATI kadang salah menduga
Dengan niat tulus suci dengan ikhlas
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Jika langkahku membekas lara,
Kataku merangkai dusta;
Lakuku menoreh luka;
Dari jeritan lubuk bathinku
Dengan ketulusan hatiku
Komohonkan maaf lahir bathinku

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Jika langkahku membekas lara,
Kataku merangkai dusta;
Lakuku menoreh luka;
Dari jeritan lubuk bathinku
Dengan ketulusan hatiku
Komohonkan maaf lahir bathinku

Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Minal Aidin wal Faizin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
1 Syawal 1433 H

Sms Lebaran 2012 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433

Andai tangan tak kuasa menjabat
Setidaknya kata masih dapat terungkap
Setulus hati mengucapkan
Selamat Idul Fitri, Mohon maaf lahir & batin
Ridho Allah dan berkahNya

Menyertai hambanya
Yang saling ucapkan maaf
Dan memberi maaf
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H
Maaf Lahir Bathin
ReadFull Article ..

Kata Kata dan SMS Ucapan Ramadhan

Kata Kata dan SMS Ucapan Ramadhan - SMS Ucapan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan - Jelang Bulan Puasa Ramadhan, saatnya menyambut datangnya bulan suci dengan mengirimkan ucapan kepada keluarga, sahabat, teman, handai taulan, rekan kerja, dan orang yang terdaftar nomor handphone di hp anda. Selain mempererat tali silaturahmi, sekaligus mengingatkan mereka bahwa Ramadhan sebentar lagi. Mari menyambutnya dengan suka cita.

Kata Kata dan SMS Ucapan Ramadhan : ane

Kata Kata dan SMS Ucapan Ramadhan - SMS ucapan selamat menyambut Puasa Ramadhan - di bawah ini, saya repost dan reshare dari saya yang kebetulan rekan kerja saya sedang membukanya. Rekan kerja saya ingin mengirim SMS Ramadhan, maka dia menemukan blog tersebut dari pencarian Google. Saya pun berpikir untuk memposting ulang di blog saya, agar dapat berbagi kepada yang orang lain yang ingin menyebarkan rasa suka cita menyambut bulan suci, Ramadhan.

Di bawah ini adalah kata kata cocok buat sobat semua :

Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi. Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa. Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf. Menyambut Ramadhan, mari saling memaafkan..

Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah dan khilaf, dengan segala kerendahan hati terucap mohon maaf setulus-tulusnya. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa Ramadhan.

Selembut embun dipagi hari, tengadah tangan sepuluh jari, ucapkan salam setulus hati, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan, mohon maaf lahir bathin.

Jika semua HARTA adalah RACUN maka ZAKAT-lah penawarnya,
Jika seluruh UMUR adalah DOSA maka TAQWA dan TOBAT lah obatnya,
Jika seluruh BULAN adalah NODA maka RAMADHAN lah pemutihnya,

Manusia tak pernah Luput dari salah dan hilap
karena manusai bukan mahkluk yang sempurna
di bulan yang suci ini mari kita bermaafan
agar tak ada dendam dan rasa dengki
marhaban ya ramadhan
mohon maaf lahir batin

Ayah dan Ibu sudah menukar seluruh jiwa
semata untuk kebahagian aku
Dan sampai saat ini belum tentu aku bisa
mengganti dengan kebahagian untuk Ayah dan Ibu berdua.
Selamat Beribadah Puasa, Ayah, Ibu
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.

Di sini bingung
Di sana bingung
Bila hidup tanpa pedoman
Bulan Ramadhan kita jadikan
tempat diri perteguh iman
tak lupa salahku mohon dimaafkan

Kalau maaf itu hujan
Aku adalah padi yang kekeringan
Kalau maafmu boleh kuminta
Curahkan padaku di bulan puasa

Cobaan perlu Ketabahan
Keputusan perlu Keberanian
Puasa melatih Kesabaran
Segala salahku mohon dimaafkan
Ramadhan tlah didepan mata kita, perbaikilah diri, sucikanlah hati, muliakanlah jiwa. Jangan biarkan goresan-gorean kecil menggores diri kita lagi…Di bulan yang penuh dengan Rahmad, Hidayat dan Mubarokah ini marilah kita untuk saling maaf memaafkan satu sm lain. Buat temen-temenku yang jauh maafkan kesalahan aku yach…Met Beribadah Puasa…..!!

CINTA datang tanpa di duga,
KASIH SAYANG datangnya tanpa terasa,
HATI berkata tanpa dusta,
"datangnya bulan RAMADHAN adalah RAHMAT, marilah kita menyambut BULAN ini dengan CINTA dan KASIH SAYANG…."

Matahari berdzikir, angin bertasbih dan pepohonan memuji keagungan-Mu.
Semua menyambut datangnya Seribu Bulan.
Selamat datang Ramadhan, Selamat beribadah puasa.

Kata Ucapan Puasa Ramadhan 2012, menjelang bulan ramadhan mari kita mendekatkan diri pada yang kuasa karena bulan ramadhan adalah bulan penuh barokah. Setelah update jadwal puasa 2012 mari kita bagi juga ucapan puasa ramadhan 2012

Sungguh indah bulan ramadhan ini karena bulan ini bulan yang indah dan bulan untuk mengerjakan kewajibannya untuk berpuasa. bulan yang terdapat suatu malam yang lebih baik dari malam seribu bulan yaitu malam lailatul qodar dan mengerjakan sholat tarawih dan di akhir bulan kita merayakan bayar zakat fitrah

Anak melayu mengail ikan, perahu berlabuh ditengah lautan, sambil menunggu datangnya ramdhan jari ku susun mohon ampunan, selamat menyambut bulan suci ramadhan bagi semua umat muslim..

Jika hati ini seringkali jengkel,
Jadikan ia jernih sejernih XL,
Jika hati ini seringkali iri,
Jadikan ia cerah secerah MENTARI,
Jika hati ini seringkali dendam
Jadikan ia penuh kemesraan FREN
Jika hati ini seringkali dengki
Jadikan ia penuh SIMPATI
Ahlan Wa Sahlan Wa Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
Bebaskan Diri dari ROAMING dosa,
Raihlah HOKI
Raihlah JEMPOL dari Ilahi


Tiada kemenangan tanpa zikrullah
tiada amal tanpa keikhlasan
tiada ampunan tanpa maaf dari sesama
marhaban ya ramadhan..

Ada raksasa beLi puLsa..
Ga krasa dah mau puasa…
Brung kakak Tua nempLok dijendeLa
Jangan lupa perbanyak pahaLa..
Ada pepaya dmkan jerapah..
Maf’n aq ya klo pny sLah…

SobAT2 que se tanah air, marilah sama2 kita persiapkan diri menuju Bulan Penuh Rahmat Berkah AmPuNaN,,, Mari Saling Memaafkan Segala KesalaHaN dan KeKhiLaFan AgaR PenUh MaKnA dlm Menyemai Keiklasan, MeMuPuK KeSaBaRaN, MeNuMbUhKaN SeMaNgaT IbAdAH GuNa MeMeTiK “KEMENANGAN BESAR”…. Insy4JJ1.
MaRhAbAN ……………Ya…………..RaMaDhaN………..
SMS Selamat Puasa Ramadhan 2012 Komplit

Tak terasa satu tahun telah terlewat kan kini ia mengunjungi kita lagi Ramadhan Yamarhaban Bulan Penuh Berkah, Bulan Penuh Rahmad, Bulan Penuh Ampunan ……. Sungguh mualia Bulan Suci Rahmadhan
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa …

Ya Allah……
Perkayalah Saudaraku ini dengan keilmuan
Hiasi hatinya dengan kesabaran
Muliakan wajahnya dengan ketaqwaan
Perindalah fisiknya dengan kesehatan
Serta terimalah amal ibadahnya dengan kelipat gandaan
Karena hanya Engkau Dzat penguasa sekalian alam
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan...
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin...

Semua yang kulakukan adalah untuk kebahagianmu.
Segalanya adalah untukmu.
Hanya saja aku bukan lelaki yang sempurna
selalu saja ada kata dan kesalahan
yang mungkin bisa menyakiti hatimu.
Selamat berpuasa sayang, terimalah maafku.
Bersama 1000 cinta,.

Maaf kalo selama ini aku suka bikin kamu kesal.
Jujur juga, memang aku gak gampang ngertiin kamu.
Tapi aku 100% cinta kamu.
Met Puasa, maafkan aku lahir dan batin ya.
I Love U.

Tiada kemenangan tanpa zikrullah
tiada amal tanpa keikhlasan
tiada ampunan tanpa maaf dari sesama
marhaban ya ramadhan..

Fajar ramadhan segera menghampiri dunia, selembar sutra menghapus noda, sebening embun penyejuk kalbu, sucikan hati bersihkan jiwa di bulan yang suci. selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa 1429 H semoga amal kita diterima disisi Alllah SWT..Amiiin…

Marhaban ya Ramadhan,
semoga bulan ini penuh BBM (Bulan Barokah dan Maghfirah)
mari kita PREMIUM (Pre Makan dan Minum)
serta SOLAR (Sholat Lebih Rajin ), dan
MINYAK TANAH (Meningkatkan Iman dan Banyak Tahan Nafsu Amarah)
serta PERTAMAX (Perangi Tabiat Maksiat)
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin.

Perkataan yg indah adlh “ALLAH”
Lagu yg merdu adlh “ADZAN”
Media yg terbaik adlh “AL QUR’AN”
Senam yg sehat adlh “SHALAT”
Diet yg sempurna adlh “PUASA”
Kebersihan yg menyegarkan adlh “WUDHU”
Perjalanan yg indah adlh “HAJI”
Khayalan yg baik adlh ingat akan “DOSA dan TAUBAT”.

Nafaspun menjadi tasbih, tidurpun menjadi ibadah, amal diterima dan doa-doa dijabah
bagi orang yang shaum dan rajin membaca Kitab-Nya di bulan ramadhan
Marhaban ya Ramadhan, maaf lahir dan bathin, selamat menjalankan ibadah PUASA

Semoga puasaku, puasamu dan semua ibadah kita diterima oleh ALLAH SWT., dan semua dosa kita dihapus oleh-NYA.. AAMMIIN..

Assalamualaikum Wr..Buka hati dapat CINTA
buka fikiran .... dapat ILMU
buka mata.......cari Rizki...
Dan buka Handphone 1 pesan diterima
"selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa, wish Allah give U the Best lives. I Pray... N Mohon dimaafin segala ksalahan2 Pancallok ya? Tq Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Sebelum HCl jadi basa, NaOH jadi asam, NaCl jadi manis n glukosa jadi asin, hati selalu tertengadah mengharap titrasi maaf dari buret hatimu. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Marhaban ya Ramadhan,
semoga bulan ini penuh BBM (Bulan Barokah dan Maghfirah)
mari kita PREMIUM (Pre Makan dan Minum)
serta SOLAR (Sholat Lebih Rajin ), dan
MINYAK TANAH (Meningkatkan Iman dan Banyak Tahan Nafsu Amarah)
serta PERTAMAX (Perangi Tabiat Maksiat)
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Aku sadar memang bukan teman yang sempurna untuk kamu.
Kesalahan dan kekhilafan. Selalu saja ada diantara kita.
Terutama aku yang sering ngerepotin kamu.
Met puasa dan Maafkan Lahir Batin.

Dear All……
Jika hati sejernih air , jangan biarkan ia keruh
Jika hati seputih awan, jangan biarkan ia mendung
Jika hati seindah bulan, hiasi ia dengan IMAM..

TIADA KATA SEINDAH zikir, TIADA HARI SEINDAH HARI Ramadhan. UNTUK ITU IJINKAN KEDUA TANGAN BERSIM PUH MAAF UNTUK "insan yang tak terjaga", "janji yang terabaikan", "hati yang berprasangka dan semua sikap yang pernah menyakitkan" ,MAAF LAHIR dan BATHIN,SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN" ibadah puasa.


  1. Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah & khilaf, dgn segala kerendahan hati terucap mhn maaf setulus2nya. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa Ramadhan.
  2. Ya Allah, muliakan & sayangilah saudaraku ini, bahagiakan keluarganya, berkahi rizkinya, kuatkan imannya. Berikanlah kenikmatan ibadahnya, jauhkan dari segala fitnah. amiin. “AHLAN WASAHLAN YA RAMADHAN” mohon maaf lahir dan batin
  3. Selembut embun dipagi hari, tengadah tangan sepuluh jari, ucapkan salam setulus hati, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan, mohon maaf lahir bathin
  4. Marhaban yaa Ramadhan, pucuk selasih bertunas menjulang dahannya patah tolong betulkan, puasa Ramadhan kembali menjelang, salah dan khilaf mohon dimaafkan. Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah puasa
  5. Hari berlalu begitu cepat segudang aktivitas telah menguras tenaga & pikiran kita, hingga tanpa terasa hanya dalam hitungan berapa puluh jam lagi kita akan songsong fajar suci ramadhon yang akan mencuci lahir dan batin kita selama 1 tahun. Tapi sebelumnya dengan segala kerendahan hati, saya mohon maaf lahir dan batin, sebelum akhirnya kita akan berserah diri pada Allah SWT. Amin…
  6. Assalamualaikum Wr..Buka hati dapat CINTA
    buka fikiran …. dapat ILMU
    buka mata…….cari Rizki…
    & buka Handphone 1 pesan diterima
    “selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa, wish Allah give U the Best lives. I Pray… N Mohon dimaafin segala ksalahan2 Pancallok ya? Tq Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
  7. Sebelum lidah keluh, sebelum hati keabali membeku, sebelum jempol kaku & sulit hanya untuk sekedar minta maaf lewat sms & sebelum semua operator sibuk..MOHON Maaf atas semua khilaf yg ku lakuin. Maafin yaks!
  8. Marhaban yang ramadhan..bln suci kembali tiba..saat tepat menyucikan diri dari segala dosa..tanpa basa basi mhn dimaafkan segala kesalahan
  9. Pergilah keluh, ku tak mau berteman dengamu. Silahkan kesah, kau bukan takdirku… mujahadah adalah temanku, dakwah adalah nafasku, dan Allah adalah kasihku… Maafkan segala kesalahan
  10. Mengingat Kata yang Salah, Hati yang Berprasangka, janji yang terlupakan,Sikap & Sifat yang menyakitkan, di hari ini ijinkanlah ku juga mengucapkan mohon maaf LAHIR DAN BATHIN
  11. Pelanggan yang terhormat. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa 1930 H. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
  12. Sebelum HCl jadi basa, NaOH jadi asam, NaCl jadi manis n glukosa jadi asin, hati selalu tertengadah mengharap titrasi maaf dari buret hatimu. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
  13. Anak melayu mengail ikan, perahu berlabuh ditengah lautan, sambil menunggu datangnya ramdhan jari ku susun mohon ampunan, selamat menyambut bulan suci ramadhan bagi semua umat muslim..
  14. Mungkin hari-hari yang lewat telah menyisakan sebersit kenangan yang tak terlupa…..,ada salah, ada khilaf, ada dosa yang mengikuti perjalanan hari – hari itu.
    agar tak ada sesal, tak ada dendam, tak ada penyesalan ….
    mari kita sama-sama sucikan hati,diri,dan jiwa kita.
    Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan……
  15. Jika hati ini seringkali jengkel,
    Jadikan ia jernih sejernih XL,
    Jika hati ini seringkali iri,
    Jadikan ia cerah secerah MENTARI,
    Jika hati ini seringkali dendam
    Jadikan ia penuh kemesraan FREN
    Jika hati ini seringkali dengki
    Jadikan ia penuh SIMPATI
    Ahlan Wa Sahlan Wa Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
    Bebaskan Diri dari ROAMING dosa,
    Raihlah HOKI
    Raihlah JEMPOL dari Ilahi
  16. Semoga di bulan Ramadhan ini kita bisa beningkan hati seperti XL,
    Dapat berpikir luas seperti SIMPATI,
    memberi maaf secara cuma2 seperti AS,
    memberi banyak kesempatan seperti IM3,
    murah senyum seperti JEMPOL,
    & yang palingg penting kita dpt berpikir cerah seeprti MENTARI.
    Sebelum cahaya Illahi dipadamkan,
    sebelum langit runtuh,
    sebelum pintu taubat ditutup,
    sebelum malaikat menjemput,
    sebelum ramadhan tiba,
    maaf kalau ada perkataan yg menyinggung sampai telinga panas seperti ESIA..
  17. Berharap padi dalam lesung, yang ada cuma rumpun jerami,
    harapan hati bertatap langsung, cuma terlayang sms ini.
    Sebelum cahaya padam, Sebelum hidup berakhir,
    Sebelum pintu tobat tertutup, Sebelum Ramadhan datang,
    saya mohon maaf lahir dan bathin….
  18. Jika semua HARTA adalah RACUN maka ZAKAT-lah penawarnya,
    Jika seluruh UMUR adalah DOSA maka TAQWA&TOBAT lah obatnya,
  19. Bila hati saling terpaut rasa cinta terjalin indah
    Bila salah & Khilaf telah terjadi maka Mohon Maaf
    Lahir & Batin atas kesalahan,
    “Marhaban Ya Ramadhan”
    Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa
    Semoga kita selalu diberkahi dibulan yang penuh mahrifah
  20. Jika hati seputih awan jangan biarkan ia mendung,jika hati seindah bulan hiasi dengan senyuman……..
    marhaban ya ramadhan…………….
    selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa mohon maaf lahir dan bathin
  21. Gersang bumi tanpa hujan..gersang akal tanpa ilmu,,gersang hati tanpa iman..gersang jiwa tanpa amal..
    marhaban ya ramadhan…………….
    selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa mohon maaf lahir dan bathin
  22. Ya Allah……
    Perkayalah Saudaraku ini dengan keilmuan
    Hiasi hatinya dengan kesabaran
    Muliakan wajahnya dengan ketaqwaan
    Perindalah fisiknya dengan kesehatan
    Serta terimalah amal ibadahnya dengan kelipat gandaan
    Karena hanya Engkau Dzat penguasa sekalian alam
    Marhaban Ya Ramadhan…
    Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin…
  24. Gelap malamMU ku terjaga, karnaMU ku bergerak melangkah menuju mentariMU, kusambut pemberianMU , dengan harapan kudapat keridoanMU……..
    Slama menunaikan Ibadah Puasa……
  25. Manusia tak pernah Luput dari salah dan hilap
    karena manusai bukan mahkluk yang sempurna
    di bulan yang suci ini mari kita bermaafan
    agar tak ada dendam dan rasa dengki
    marhaban ya ramadhan
    mohon maaf lahir batin
  26. Matahari berdzikir,
    angin bertasbih dan pepohonan memuji keagungan-Mu.
    Semua menyambut datangnya malam Seribu Bulan.
    Selamat datang Ramadhan, Selamat beribadah puasa.
    Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin.
  27. Hidup ini hanya sebentarlagi
    bentar marah,bentar ketawa
    betar berduit,bentar boke
    bentar senang,bentar susah
    ooo ye…bentar lagi bulan puasa
    met ramadhan…mohon maaf lahir bathin
  28. Tiada kemenangan tanpa zikrullah
    tiada amal tanpa keikhlasan
    tiada ampunan tanpa maaf dari sesama
    marhaban ya ramadhan..
  29. Fajar ramadhan segera menghampiri dunia, selembar sutra menghapus noda, sebening embun penyejuk kalbu, sucikan hati bersihkan jiwa di bulan yang suci. selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa 1429 H semoga amal kita diterima disisi Alllah SWT..Amiiin…
  30. Marhaban ya Ramadhan,
    semoga bulan ini penuh BBM (Bulan Barokah dan Maghfirah)
    mari kita PREMIUM (Pre Makan dan Minum)
    serta SOLAR (Sholat Lebih Rajin ), dan
    MINYAK TANAH (Meningkatkan Iman dan Banyak Tahan Nafsu Amarah)
    serta PERTAMAX (Perangi Tabiat Maksiat)
    Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin
  31. Tiada kata yang dapat terucap
    hati merasa malu
    dalam kalbu q bisa menjerit tuhan,
    batin menangis,
    betapapun dosa itu
    q yakin KAU maha pengampun
    saat aku sedih
    hanya padamulah aku cerita
    saat aku marasa sendiri
    aku yakin kaupun bersamaku
    aku rela saat ini jika harus menghadapmu
    ridhoMUlah yang senantiasa q harap
    maafq Tuhan
    maafq wahai smua hamba Allah yang ada dialam fana ini
  32. marhaban ya ramadhan….
    termenung ku sejenak
    mengingat akan keselahanku yang lampau
    andai kalian smua ada disini sobat
    maafku trucap dari hati yang paling dalam..
    maafin ya… smua kesalahanku
  33. Perkataan yg indah adalah “ALLAH”
    Lagu yg merdu adlh “ADZAN”
    Media yg terbaik adlh “AL QUR’AN”
    Senam yg sehat adlh “SHALAT”
    Diet yg sempurna adlh “PUASA”
    Kebersihan yg menyegarkan adlh “WUDHU”
    Perjalanan yg indah adlh “HAJI”
    Khayalan yg baik adlh ingat akan “DOSA&TAUBAT”
    Mudah2an bln yg suci ini bs membawa iman dan takwa, Amien..
  34. Let’s join us for ‘RAMADHAN SALE
    Diskon pnghapus dosa besar2an s/d 100% utk semua jns dosa
    Tin9ktkn ibadah wajib, sunnah, perbnyk istigfar%shdaqah
    Lebih heboh lg, ikuti DOOR PRIZE lailatul qadar
    Slamat berpuasa maaf lahir batin
  35. Nafaspun menjadi tasbih, tidurpun menjadi ibadah, amal diterima&doa2 dijabah
    bagi orang yang shaum&rajin membaca Kitab-Nya di bulan ramadhan
    Marhaban ya Ramadhan, maaf lahir dan bathin, selamat menjalankan ibadah PUASA
  36. Aku sadar memang bukan teman yang sempurna untuk kamu.
    Kesalahan dan kekhilafan. Selalu saja ada diantara kita.
    Terutama aku yang sering ngerepotin kamu.
    Met puasa dan Maafkan Lahir Batin.
  37. Ayah dan Ibu sudah menukar seluruh jiwa
    semata untuk kebahagian aku
    Dan sampai saat ini belum tentu aku bisa
    mengganti dengan kebahagian untuk Ayah dan Ibu berdua.
    Selamat Beribadah Puasa, Ayah, Ibu
    Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
  38. Satu tahun tidak terasa
    Ramadhan telah kembali kengunjungi kita
    Semoga yang dilalui dan dilakukan
    Menjadikan kebaikan di bulan suci ini
    Marhaban yaa Ramadhan
    Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin
  39. Matahari berdzikir, angin bertasbih dan pepohonan memuji keagungan-Mu.
    Semua menyambut datangnya Seribu Bulan.
    Selamat datang Ramadhan, Selamat beribadah puasa.
    Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin.
  40. Semua yang kulakukan adalah untuk kebahagianmu.
    Segalanya adalah untukmu.
    Hanya saja aku bukan lelaki yang sempurna
    selalu saja ada kata dan kesalahan
    yang mungkin bisa menyakiti hatimu.
    Selamat berpuasa sayang, terimalah maafku.
    Bersama 1000 cinta, Aa.
  41. Mungkin baru 90 hari kita berpacaran
    namun tidak lebih banyak aku bisa
    membuat kamu ceria dan bahagia.
    Beri aku lebih banyak hari, bulan, bahkan tahun,
    untuk dapat lebih membahagiakanmu.
    Bersama bulan suci ini, kita rajut kembali
    benang-benang pengertian diantara kita.
    Aa, lahir dan bathin.
  42. Maaf kalo selama ini aku suka bikin kamu kesal.
    Jujur juga, memang aku gak gampang ngertiin kamu.
    Tapi aku 100% cinta kamu.
    Met Puasa, maafkan aku lahir dan batin ya.
    I Love U.
  43. Ayah menyadari sepenuhnya masih banyak
    mimpi kita yang belum bisa diwujudkan.
    Ramadhan tahun ini semoga kembali
    menghadirkan kebahagiaan ke rumah kita.
    Selamat beribadah puasa ya Bu,
    jangan bosan bangunkan tidur ayah saat sahur.
    Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
    1000 Kisses, Ayah.
  44. Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi.
    Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa.
    Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf.
    Taqabalallahu Minna Waminkum…
  45. Pergilah keluh, ku tak mau berteman dengamu
    Silahkan kesah, kau bukan takdirku
    Mujahadah adalah temanku, dakwah adalah nafasku,
    dan Allah adalah kasihku.
    Maafkan segala kesalahan.
  46. Parkir motor merasa was-was
    Tak ada penjaga takut kecurian
    Tidak puasa merasa was-was
    masuk neraka didera siksaan
  47. Di sini bingung
    Di sana bingung
    Bila hidup tanpa pedoman
    Bulan Ramadhan kita jadikan
    tempat diri perteguh iman
    tak lupa salahku mohon dimaafkan
  48. Dari dulu ingin minta maaf padamu
    Tapi diriku terlalu malu
    Hari ini keberanikan diri memintamu
    menjelang puasa kau berikan maafmu
  49. Antara surga dan neraka
    Antara pahala dan dosa
    Antara bahagia dan gelisah
    Pilih yang pertama agar bahagia
    Tak lupa puasa kala Ramadhan tiba
    Maafkan segala dosaku sebelum puasa
  50. Kalau maaf itu hujan
    Aku adalah padi yang kekeringan
    Kalau maafmu boleh kuminta
    Curahkan padaku di bulan puasa
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CHEAT LS LOST SAGA 31 JULI 2012 TERBARU - Jangan katakan tidak mau bermain game online semakin kita bermain semakin asik pula kita konsentrasi pada game, bagai mana dengan sobat sendiri kalau saya setujuh aja dan ayo coba cheat ls lost saga dan sangat terbaru buat sobat semua dan harus di coba...........................


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Fitures :

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[ESP Hack]
  • ESP box
  • ESP name
  • ESp healt
  • ESP koordinat
  • ESP distance
  • ESP Line
[Replace Menu]
  • Pistol
  • Piso
  • Bom
  • Asap
  • Baret 
  • Def ++
[Fullhack Menu]
  • Damage
  • Unlimited Ammo
  • Grade Hack
  • Skill hack
  • Quick Change 
  • Fast Reload
  • Reload Major
  • Bug luxvile
  • Show Time
  • Show Date
  • Off Display
  • Fast Exit

Hotkeys D3D Menu: 
  • D3d Menu On/OFF : INSERT
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  • Arah Panah Kiri OFF
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 Cara setting brust yah gak usah pakai cheat dlu atuh kang,,,main pb sepert biasa dlu ,, setting ,bru keluar lagi dan coba pakai ,,,okay pham kan!
Settingan brust 1000% No LAG!

Tutorial : 
  1. Buka PB launcher
  2. Buka Cheat
  3. Start
  4. Keluar Message Box/notice
  5. Ok,ok saja Hepii Cheatting dah

Keterangan : BUAT WINDOWS 7 and Windows Vista
-Buka Cheat Jangan Menggunakan DOUBLE klik!!!
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator
-Buka PB nya pun jangan pakai Double Klik
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator juga
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Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Kisi Kisi Soal UKG 2012 SD SMP SMA SMK

Kisi Kisi Soal UKG 2012 SD SMP SMA SMK - Kisi-kisi uji kompetensi guru (UKG) untuk guru kelas SD sudah bisa didownload, Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (Badan PSDMPK - PMP)selaku penyelenggara UKG telah mengeluarkan kisi-kisi UKG guru kelas SD. Berikut sepenggal dari isi kisi-kisi tersebut:

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Sub Kompetensi
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Nantinya dalam pelaksanaan ujian UKG secara online guru akan mengerjakan maksimal 100 soal dengan waktu 120 menit. Komposisi instrumen materi tes adalah 30% kompetensi pedagogik dan 70% kompetensi profesional. Semoga semua guru SD sukses dalam UKG, Amin

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namaku cinta ketika kita bersama
berbagi rasa untuk selamanya
namaku cinta ketika kita bersama
berbagi rasa sepanjang usia

hingga tiba saatnya aku pun melihat
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semua yang terjadi di antara kita ooh

aku terjatuh dan tak bisa bangkit lagi
aku tenggelam dalam lautan luka dalam
aku tersesat dan tak tahu arah jalan pulang
aku tanpamu butiran debu

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aku tenggelam dalam lautan) dalam luka dalam
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aku tanpamu butiran debu, aku tanpamu butiran debu
aku tanpamu butiran debu, aku tanpamu butiran debu

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Prediksi Togel Hongkong 30 Juli 2012

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            Perhatian :  Utamakan Rumus anda

Selamat menyelami keberuntungan....Angka diatas murni, matikan dengan rumus anda...............
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Prediksi Togel Singapura 30 Juli 2012

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Prediksi Togel Singapura 30 Juli 2012 : ane

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   Selamat menyelami keberuntungan....Angka diatas murni, matikan dengan rumus anda...............
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Contoh Soal UKG TK SD SMP SMA 2012 Online

Contoh Soal UKG TK SD SMP SMA 2012 Online - Inilah link untuk mendownload (mengunduh) GRATIS kumpulan kisi-kisi contoh soal tes uji kompetensi guru (UKG) tahun 2012 yang saya bagi Anda calon pendaftar yang akan mengikuti tes UKG 2012.

contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional. soal ukg CONTOH SOAL UKG 2012 BAHASA INGGRIS 1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color. a. within B. for C. in D. by 2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful. a. that B. and C. for D. if 3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ...... a. occasionally to find B. occasionally found b. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found 4. He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics. a. in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for 5. An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women. a. alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that 6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs. a. to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive 7. ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover. a. Very B. Too C. Such D. So 8. I think my answer on the exam .... a. the possible best choice B. the best possible choice b. the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices 9. I will talk to the children .... a. one and then the other B. in singles b. first one then the next D. one by one 10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around. a. good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to 11. ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. a. When B. The longest C. The longer D. If 12. This milk is .... a. not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink b. not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool 13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy. a. equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal 14. ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved. a. It is a B. A C. There is a D. An 15. The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him. a. rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so 16. We will not leave .... she arrives. a. until B. for C. since D. during 17. He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone. a. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a 18. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile. a. most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture b. with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture 19. He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie. a. uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of 20. His grandfather owns a large .... in the country. a. vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s b. farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm 21. ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. The biggest one B. Of the biggest one b. One of the biggest D. There are the biggest 22. Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective b. brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products 23. He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical. a. real B. really C. that like real 24. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic. a. relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for 25. I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer. a. have almost become B. almost have become b. almost became D. have almost to become 26. Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time. a. out from the room B. from the room out b. out to the room D. out of the room 27. Her husband has a habit of speaking ...... a. mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like 28. It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ...... a. speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others b. speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others 29. Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong. a. wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from b. wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to 30. People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles a. adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008 atau sobat bisa download langsung di bawah ini Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik I Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik II Uji Kemampuan Profesional Read more at: Copyright by Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel in
contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional. soal ukg CONTOH SOAL UKG 2012 BAHASA INGGRIS 1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color. a. within B. for C. in D. by 2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful. a. that B. and C. for D. if 3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ...... a. occasionally to find B. occasionally found b. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found 4. He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics. a. in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for 5. An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women. a. alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that 6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs. a. to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive 7. ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover. a. Very B. Too C. Such D. So 8. I think my answer on the exam .... a. the possible best choice B. the best possible choice b. the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices 9. I will talk to the children .... a. one and then the other B. in singles b. first one then the next D. one by one 10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around. a. good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to 11. ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. a. When B. The longest C. The longer D. If 12. This milk is .... a. not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink b. not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool 13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy. a. equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal 14. ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved. a. It is a B. A C. There is a D. An 15. The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him. a. rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so 16. We will not leave .... she arrives. a. until B. for C. since D. during 17. He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone. a. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a 18. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile. a. most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture b. with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture 19. He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie. a. uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of 20. His grandfather owns a large .... in the country. a. vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s b. farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm 21. ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. The biggest one B. Of the biggest one b. One of the biggest D. There are the biggest 22. Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective b. brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products 23. He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical. a. real B. really C. that like real 24. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic. a. relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for 25. I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer. a. have almost become B. almost have become b. almost became D. have almost to become 26. Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time. a. out from the room B. from the room out b. out to the room D. out of the room 27. Her husband has a habit of speaking ...... a. mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like 28. It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ...... a. speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others b. speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others 29. Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong. a. wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from b. wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to 30. People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles a. adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008 atau sobat bisa download langsung di bawah ini Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik I Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik II Uji Kemampuan Profesional Read more at: Copyright by Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel ini
contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional. soal ukg CONTOH SOAL UKG 2012 BAHASA INGGRIS 1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color. a. within B. for C. in D. by 2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful. a. that B. and C. for D. if 3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ...... a. occasionally to find B. occasionally found b. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found 4. He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics. a. in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for 5. An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women. a. alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that 6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs. a. to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive 7. ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover. a. Very B. Too C. Such D. So 8. I think my answer on the exam .... a. the possible best choice B. the best possible choice b. the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices 9. I will talk to the children .... a. one and then the other B. in singles b. first one then the next D. one by one 10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around. a. good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to 11. ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. a. When B. The longest C. The longer D. If 12. This milk is .... a. not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink b. not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool 13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy. a. equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal 14. ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved. a. It is a B. A C. There is a D. An 15. The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him. a. rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so 16. We will not leave .... she arrives. a. until B. for C. since D. during 17. He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone. a. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a 18. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile. a. most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture b. with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture 19. He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie. a. uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of 20. His grandfather owns a large .... in the country. a. vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s b. farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm 21. ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. The biggest one B. Of the biggest one b. One of the biggest D. There are the biggest 22. Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective b. brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products 23. He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical. a. real B. really C. that like real 24. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic. a. relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for 25. I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer. a. have almost become B. almost have become b. almost became D. have almost to become 26. Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time. a. out from the room B. from the room out b. out to the room D. out of the room 27. Her husband has a habit of speaking ...... a. mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like 28. It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ...... a. speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others b. speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others 29. Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong. a. wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from b. wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to 30. People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles a. adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008 atau sobat bisa download langsung di bawah ini Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik I Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik II Uji Kemampuan Profesional Read more at: Copyright by Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel ini
contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional. soal ukg CONTOH SOAL UKG 2012 BAHASA INGGRIS 1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color. a. within B. for C. in D. by 2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful. a. that B. and C. for D. if 3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ...... a. occasionally to find B. occasionally found b. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found 4. He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics. a. in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for 5. An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women. a. alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that 6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs. a. to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive 7. ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover. a. Very B. Too C. Such D. So 8. I think my answer on the exam .... a. the possible best choice B. the best possible choice b. the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices 9. I will talk to the children .... a. one and then the other B. in singles b. first one then the next D. one by one 10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around. a. good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to 11. ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. a. When B. The longest C. The longer D. If 12. This milk is .... a. not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink b. not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool 13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy. a. equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal 14. ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved. a. It is a B. A C. There is a D. An 15. The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him. a. rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so 16. We will not leave .... she arrives. a. until B. for C. since D. during 17. He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone. a. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a 18. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile. a. most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture b. with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture 19. He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie. a. uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of 20. His grandfather owns a large .... in the country. a. vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s b. farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm 21. ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. The biggest one B. Of the biggest one b. One of the biggest D. There are the biggest 22. Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective b. brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products 23. He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical. a. real B. really C. that like real 24. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic. a. relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for 25. I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer. a. have almost become B. almost have become b. almost became D. have almost to become 26. Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time. a. out from the room B. from the room out b. out to the room D. out of the room 27. Her husband has a habit of speaking ...... a. mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like 28. It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ...... a. speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others b. speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others 29. Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong. a. wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from b. wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to 30. People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles a. adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008 atau sobat bisa download langsung di bawah ini Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik I Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik II Uji Kemampuan Profesional Read more at: Copyright by Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel ini
contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional. soal ukg CONTOH SOAL UKG 2012 BAHASA INGGRIS 1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color. a. within B. for C. in D. by 2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful. a. that B. and C. for D. if 3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ...... a. occasionally to find B. occasionally found b. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found 4. He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics. a. in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for 5. An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women. a. alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that 6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs. a. to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive 7. ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover. a. Very B. Too C. Such D. So 8. I think my answer on the exam .... a. the possible best choice B. the best possible choice b. the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices 9. I will talk to the children .... a. one and then the other B. in singles b. first one then the next D. one by one 10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around. a. good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to 11. ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. a. When B. The longest C. The longer D. If 12. This milk is .... a. not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink b. not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool 13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy. a. equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal 14. ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved. a. It is a B. A C. There is a D. An 15. The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him. a. rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so 16. We will not leave .... she arrives. a. until B. for C. since D. during 17. He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone. a. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a 18. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile. a. most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture b. with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture 19. He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie. a. uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of 20. His grandfather owns a large .... in the country. a. vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s b. farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm 21. ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. The biggest one B. Of the biggest one b. One of the biggest D. There are the biggest 22. Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective b. brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products 23. He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical. a. real B. really C. that like real 24. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic. a. relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for 25. I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer. a. have almost become B. almost have become b. almost became D. have almost to become 26. Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time. a. out from the room B. from the room out b. out to the room D. out of the room 27. Her husband has a habit of speaking ...... a. mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like 28. It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ...... a. speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others b. speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others 29. Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong. a. wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from b. wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to 30. People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles a. adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008 atau sobat bisa download langsung di bawah ini Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik I Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik II Uji Kemampuan Profesional Read more at: Copyright by Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel ini
contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional. soal ukg CONTOH SOAL UKG 2012 BAHASA INGGRIS 1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color. a. within B. for C. in D. by 2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful. a. that B. and C. for D. if 3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ...... a. occasionally to find B. occasionally found b. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found 4. He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics. a. in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for 5. An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women. a. alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that 6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs. a. to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive 7. ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover. a. Very B. Too C. Such D. So 8. I think my answer on the exam .... a. the possible best choice B. the best possible choice b. the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices 9. I will talk to the children .... a. one and then the other B. in singles b. first one then the next D. one by one 10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around. a. good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to 11. ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. a. When B. The longest C. The longer D. If 12. This milk is .... a. not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink b. not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool 13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy. a. equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal 14. ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved. a. It is a B. A C. There is a D. An 15. The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him. a. rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so 16. We will not leave .... she arrives. a. until B. for C. since D. during 17. He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone. a. the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a 18. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile. a. most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture b. with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture 19. He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie. a. uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of 20. His grandfather owns a large .... in the country. a. vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s b. farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm 21. ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. The biggest one B. Of the biggest one b. One of the biggest D. There are the biggest 22. Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective b. brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products 23. He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical. a. real B. really C. that like real 24. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic. a. relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for 25. I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer. a. have almost become B. almost have become b. almost became D. have almost to become 26. Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time. a. out from the room B. from the room out b. out to the room D. out of the room 27. Her husband has a habit of speaking ...... a. mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like 28. It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ...... a. speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others b. speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others 29. Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong. a. wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from b. wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to 30. People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles a. adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008 atau sobat bisa download langsung di bawah ini Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik I Uji Kemampuan Pedagogik II Uji Kemampuan Profesional Read more at: Copyright by Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel i
contoh soal ukg 2012 ini di ambil langsung dari contoh soal ini di upayakan agar meningkatkan kualitas motto pendidikan yang ada di negara kita ini agar mendapatkan guru yang profesional dan murid yang bertaraf nasional.

Contoh Soal UKG TK SD SMP SMA 2012 Online


1.    With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color.

a.    within B. for C. in D. by

2.    Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful.

a.    that B. and C. for D. if

3.    Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ......

a.    occasionally to find B. occasionally found

b.    have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found

4.    He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics.

a.    in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for

5.    An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women.

a.    alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that

6.    In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs.

a.    to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive

7.    ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover.

a.    Very B. Too C. Such D. So

8.    I think my answer on the exam ....

a.    the possible best choice B. the best possible choice

b.    the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices

9.    I will talk to the children ....

a.    one and then the other B. in singles

b.    first one then the next D. one by one

10.  Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around.

a.    good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to

11.  ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become.

a.    When B. The longest C. The longer D. If

12.  This milk is ....

a.    not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink

b.    not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool

13.  In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy.

a.    equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal

14.  ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved.

a.    It is a B. A C. There is a D. An

15.  The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him.

a.    rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so

16.  We will not leave .... she arrives.

a.    until B. for C. since D. during

17.  He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone.

a.    the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a

18.  In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile.

a.    most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture

b.    with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture

19.  He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie.

a.    uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of

20.  His grandfather owns a large .... in the country.

a.    vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s

b.    farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm

21.  ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs.

a.    The biggest one B. Of the biggest one

b.    One of the biggest D. There are the biggest

22.  Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive.

a.    effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective

b.    brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products

23.  He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical.

a.    real B. really C. that like real

24.  The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic.

a.    relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for

25.  I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer.

a.    have almost become B. almost have become

b.    almost became D. have almost to become

26.  Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time.

a.    out from the room B. from the room out

b.    out to the room D. out of the room

27.  Her husband has a habit of speaking ......

a.    mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like

28.  It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ......

a.    speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others

b.    speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others

29.  Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong.

a.    wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from

b.    wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to

30.  People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles

a.    adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to

Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008

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